Tuesday, February 18, 2025
HomeDevelopmentVisual Studio Code Ultimate Guide

Visual Studio Code Ultimate Guide

Visual Studio Code Ultimate Guide, Everything you need to know about Visual Studio Editor.

Have you always wanted to learn how to code but don’t know where to start?

Would you like to make amazing websites and bring your ideas to life?

Then Visual Studio Code Ultimate Course is for you!

Hi, I’m your instructor Josh Werner and I’ll be leading you through this course.

Programming is the most in-demand skill in 2021.

The course begins with the basics.

I’ll take you through everything you need to know to start building websites like an expert with Visual Studio Code.

You’ll learn all the fundamentals of Visual Studio Code.

This is great for students starting or for developers that need a refresher course on Visual Studio Code.

There are no requirements necessary to enroll I only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn\

Feel Free to look through the course description and checkout some of my preview videos

The course is packed with over 5 hours of hands-on tutorials

Here is what you will Learn:

01. Introduction

001. Overview

02. Setup

002. Overview

003. Install Visual Studio Code

004. Network

005. Additional Components

03. Extensions Marketplace

006. Overview

007. Python

008. C/C++

009. ESLint

010. C#

011. Prettier-Code Formatter

012. Language Support for Java

013. Debugger for Chrome

014. Vscode-icons

04. Additional Tools

015. Overview

016. iTerm for macOS

017. npm

018. Yeoman

019. Generator-asp-net

020. Generator-hottowel

021. Express

022. Gulp

023. Mocha

024. Yarn

05. Getting Started

025. Overview

026. Basics

027. User Interface

028. Themes

029. Settings

030. Key Bindings

031. Keyboard Shortcuts

032. Display Language

033. Telemetry

06. User Guide

034. Overview

035. Basic Editing

036. Extension Marketplace

037. IntelliSense

038. Code Navigation

039. Refactoring

040. Debugging

041. Version Control

042. Integrated Terminal

043. Tasks

044. Snippets

045. Multi-root Workspaces

046. Accessibility

07. Languages

047. Overview

048. JavaScript

049. JSON

050. HTML


052. TypeScript

053. Markdown

054. PowerShell

055. C++

056. Java

057. PHP

058. Python

059. Go

060. T-SQL

061. C#

062. .Net

08. Conclusion

063. Summary

09. Bonus Content – Extensions Marketplace

064. Overview

065. Vim

066. Jupyter

067. Live Server

068. Visual Studio IntelliCode

069. GitLens

070. Docker

071. Debugger for Java

072. Maven for Java

073. Java Test Runner

074. Java Extension Pack

075. Material Icon Theme

076. Vetur

077. Code Runner

078. Project Manager for Java

079. Beautify

080. Remote – WSL

081. HTML CSS Support

082. PHP IntelliSense

083. YAML

084. JavaScript (ES6) Code Snippets

085. Auto Rename Tag

086. HTML Snippets

087. Bracket Pair Colorizer

088. Go

089. Path Intellisense

090. PHP Debug

091. Auto Close Tag

092. Live Share

093. SQL Server (mssql)

094. PowerShell

095. Git History

096. npm

097. One Dark Pro

098. Open in Browser

099. EditorConfig for VS Code

100. IntelliSense for CSS class name

101. Remote – SSH: Editing Configuration

102. Remote – SSH

103. PHP Intelephense

104. Remote – Containers

105. C++ Intellisense

So what are you waiting for? I look forward to going through course with you I’ll see you inside!




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